The config.yml allows you to modify global settings for the plugin.
Change the prefix shown before a message from the plugin.
prefix: '&8[&bCrates&8]&e'
Change the language of the plugin. The following languages are supported:
Language | Code |
English | en |
French | fr |
Italian | it |
Chinese | zhs |
Russian | rf |
German | de |
Vietnamese | vn |
Spanish | es |
Turkish | tr |
locale: en
Enable a built in logger used as a debugging tool to see events occuring.
logger: false
Decimal Format
Change how the plugin should handle decimal numbers. Eg #.##
results in 1.23
, and #.#
results in 1.2
decimal-format: '#'
How long a player has to wait between actions.
cooldown: 1.0
Custom Variables
Define custom variables which can be used in your crate file, eg to use the following place {sword_enchant}
into a crate reward to give the sharpness 1 and knockback 1 enchants.
'{sword_enchant}': 'sharpness:1 knockback:1'
Hologram Provider
Change what plugin is used for holograms. Supported plugins are CMI
and HolographicDisplays
. CrateReloaded Pro also supports DecentHolograms
hologram-plugin: 'HolographicDisplays'
Creative Settings
This setting is used to prevent duplication of keys while in creative mode.
# Enables safety checks
safety: true
# Allows ops to override the safety checks imposed on creative players
exclude-ops: false
Change the timezone the plugin uses. Common timezones:
Timezone | Abbreviation | Time Offset |
Greenwich Mean Time | GMT | UTC +0 |
Eastern Standard Time | EST | UTC -5 |
Central Standard Time | CST | UTC -6 |
Mountain Standard Time | MST | UTC -7 |
Pacific Standard Time | PST | UTC -8 |
Central European Standard Time | CEST | UTC +2 |
See the full list of timezones here.
timezone: 'PST'
Date Format
Change the formatting the plugin uses for date and time. Most common formatting:
Letter | Function | Result |
yy | Year (short) | 23 |
yyyy | Year (long) | 2023 |
MM | Month (number) | 12 |
MMM | Month (shortened) | Dec |
MMMM | Month (long) | December |
d | Day of the month (no leading 0) | 9 |
dd | Day of the month (leading 0) | 09 |
E | Day name (short) | Tue |
EE | Day name (long) | Tuesday |
a | AM or PM | AM |
H | Hour in day (0-23) | 23 |
k | Hour in day (1-24) | 24 |
K | Hour in 12 hour format (0-11) | 0 |
h | Hour in 12 hour format (1-12) | 12 |
m | Minute in hour | 59 |
s | Second in minute | 32 |
See complete list here.
date-format: 'E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z'
Claim Settings
All the settings for the /cr claim
Change the base command that is used (/cr
) Do NOT change this unless conflicting
command: 'cr'
Maximum amount of rewards a player can claim from /cr claim
. Either this number, or the amount of free inventory slots the user has.
limit: 15
The name of the /cr claim
menu: 'Claim Rewards!'
Handle Full Inventory
Should the claim manager handle it if the players inventory is full, if disabled, items will drop to the ground.
handle-full-inventory: true
Reminder Settings
Configure the reminder function of pending rewards to claim.
Should a reminder be given to the user when the join the server?
join: true
Should the player be reminded at set intervals of time?
timer: true
If timer is true
, how long is should the interval be?
period: 900
How the items should look in the /cr claim
Change how the items description will look.
- '{lore}'
- '&7Number of Rewards: &6{number}'
- '&7Received on {date}'
Item Success
How the item should look once claimed.
item-success: '&a&lClaimed!'
Configure settings regarding crates.
Comparison Level
Change how much an item needs to match a crate to be valid.
0 - Name, type, and lore. 1 - (Setting 0), Enchants, and item flags 2 - (Setting 1), Custom NBT
compare: 0
Add an item that is shown during an animation.
display: ''
Name of the preview menu.
menu: 'Menu'
Confirmation Menu
Name of the confirmation menu.
confirmation-menu: 'Confirm!'
Can players put crates/keys into crafting inventories?
craft: false
Item Frame
Can players put crates/keys into item frames?
item-frame: false
Peri Exit
Can players quit animations that havent fully completed?
peri-exit: false
Length of the CSGO animation
csgo: 6
Length of the roulette animation
roulette: 5
Length of the wheel animation
wheel: 8
Configure what buttons in the different GUIs will look like.
Enable/disable buttons in GUIs.
enabled: true
Go to the next page in a GUI.
next: 'ARROW 1 name:&aNext_Page lore:&eClick_to_enter_the_next_page.'
Exit a GUI.
close: 'MUSIC_DISC_11 1 name:&4Close! flag:HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS'
Go to the previous page in a GUI.
back: 'RED_BED 1 name:&4&lGo_back lore:&eGo_back_to_previous_page.'
The accept button in the confirmation menu of a crate.
accept: 'GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE 1 name:&aYes lore:&fClick_here_to_open_{crate}!'
The decline button in the confirmation menu of a crate.
decline: 'RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE 1 name:&4No'
The item displayed above a winning item in the CSGO animation.
csgo-top: 'REDSTONE_TORCH 1 name:&6Prize!'
CSGO Bottom
The item displayed below a winning item in the CSGO animation.
csgo-bot: 'REDSTONE_TORCH 1 name:&6Prize!'
Settings regarding pushback when a crate is clicked without a valid key.
Should the user be pushed back?
enabled: true
How far should the user be pushed back?
x: 1.0
y: 1.0
z: 1.0
Settings for holograms.
Offset for the holograms to be displayed, by default holograms are centered one block above the crate.
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0