CrateReloaded is a Minecraft plugin that allows servers to give out prize crates. A prize crate is best described as "a consumable virtual item which can be redeemed to receive a randomised selection of further virtual items, or loot, ranging from simple customization options for a player's avatar or character to game-changing equipment such as weapons and armor". wiki
- Interaction Types - Supports different interaction types from vanilla minecraft lootbox to key-based crates.
- Animations - Supports animations to present the reward.
- API - Develop extensions for the plugin.
- Claim System - Automagically handles offline crate or prize awarding.
- Preview - Show off your crates! Left click to preview, right click to win!
- Customization - From crates to the language file, configure it to your liking!
- Locale - Tu parle francais? Simply create your own language file.
- Weight System - Unique probability system that allows you to add rewards at ease.
- Commands - Supports custom plugin or default Minecraft commands.
- Items - Supports custom item integrations with player heads, potions, and more.
- Permission - Give unique rewards with permission based rewards.
- Particle Effects - Custom particle animations.
- Documentation - Check out our awesome documentation