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First-time usage

This will give a brief example for on how to use the plugin. This assumes that you have respective permissions to activate CrateReloaded commands.

Supply Crate

Supply Crates are vanilla minecraft chests that may be placed on the ground. Upon placement, chests are populated with items!

  1. Get a list of crates /cr list
  2. Give yourself a supply crate /cr give to {player} FoodCrate
  3. If you have given yourself a supply crate, you will find a vanilla minecraft chest in your inventory.
  4. Place the chest down and open the chest to see what you have won!

Mystery Crate

Mystery Crates are items that may be activated through an action (e.g. left or right clicking). With the mystery crate item in hand and activation through an action, you'll find your inventory with items.

  1. Get a list of crates /cr list
  2. Give yourself a supply crate /cr give to {player} FoodPack
  3. If you have given yourself a mystery crate, you will find a crate item in your inventory. Put that item into your hand slot.
  4. Activate it through a right or left click and you will find new items in your hand.

Key Crate

Key Crates are preset blocks. They may be opened by clicking with a key in hand. In addition to that, the player may preview rewards that may be won from the crate.

Set the crate

  1. Get a list of crates /cr list
  2. Set the crate. Look at the block you want to set and run /cr set FoodKey

Nice, you have now set the crate and it will now function as a key crate

Using the crate

  1. Give yourself a key crate /cr give to {player} FoodKey
  2. Left click the block you have set to preview the items. Right click the block you have set to activate the crate.


You can now begin customizing the plugin!